Custom Error Page 404

( File Not Found )


This error either means what it says (that the page does not exist here)...

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If you got this error after clicking a link from an Excel document

then you might be experiencing
a known issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)
with incoming hyperlinks from Microsoft Office documents
that contain a bookmark to a specific place within a page.


How to tell if your IE browser has the "bookmark bug"

Look at the URL in the address bar near the top of this page — in your web browser.

Bookmark Bug

If the URL address contains %20-%20

[or " - " (space dash space)]

then you are experiencing the "Microsoft Office / Internet Explorer bookmark bug".


How to quickly fix it:

Edit the URL in your address bar to replace %20-%20 with the # symbol

Bookmark Bug

and now the link will work.

How to permanently fix this Microsoft Office / IE bookmark bug

Microsoft's (surprising) recommended solution is to:

  1. install a non-Microsoft browser (such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome),
    and make it the default browser;
  2. then re-open Microsoft Internet Explorer, and make it (again) the default browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer will now (magically) work correctly.

Or switch to a less buggy browser — such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome