Systems2win templates and training for continuous improvement
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Hoshin Planning

Whats New?

Hoshin Planning

X Matrix

X Matrix

The Hoshin Planning X Matrix template for Strategic Planning Policy Deployment has recently received a major upgrade.

Hoshin Kanri is an organizational learning method - to deploy the PDCA scientific method - systematically and relentlessly designing and testing nested experiments - deep through the tissues and layers of your entire organization. It is a systematic way to develop and continuously improve your unique competitive advantages.

In the past, your strategic planning process may have been a mostly "ivory tower" academic exercise - and with Hoshin Planning - for the first time, your people might really "get it".

New features in the major upgrade released in January include:


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Existing customers get all of the latest templates each time that you upgrade.

Although most customers choose to renew annual maintenance once a year - you have the option to upgrade your templates at any time.


Keep your eye on What's New.


Shingo Prize Conference

If you are coming to the Shingo Prize Conference in Cincinatti (March 29-31), then please stop by our booth to introduce yourself.

You can see for yourself what's new for 5S, standard work, value stream mapping, kaizen, lean leadership tools, and more...

and maybe even get a sneak peak at what's coming next.

It is always a pleasure to see the faces that go with the many voices we have come to know over the phone.

Free Webinars

Join a free webinar,
held almost every Wednesday

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Or schedule a private conference
for just your team

Download latest trials

Test Drive over a dozen trial templates

If your trial period has expired, you can either purchase a license, or request a trial period extension.

Licensed customers can download the latest trial templates any time.

Download Free Trial

Test Drive all 150+ templates

Please keep in mind that the dozen trial templates are among the most sophisticated tools we've got. Most of the other 140 templates are a lot easier.

You can test drive the full licensed version of any or all 150+ templates with a 30-day guarantee.

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March 2011 issue