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Value Stream Mapping

Whats New?

Major Upgrade for Value Stream Map

In January, a major upgrade was released for the Value Stream Mapping template.

Value Stream Analysis

Many new types of value stream analysis can now be unhidden if and when needed, including:

* Value Stream Leadership (new section)

* Work Load Balancing (stacked bar chart)

* Guaranteed Turnaround Time

Cost Analysis

* Bar chart with both Cost and Cumulative Cost

* New button to change currency


turn bold red to call attention if:

* Capacity is less than Demand

* Effective Cycle Time is greater than Takt Time

* Utilization is greater than Available Time

Pre- and Post-Production

Optionally unhide section above the production value stream map (for quoting, estimating, or other processes that happen before production)

Optionally unhide section below (for collection, field service, or other processes that happen after production)

At any time, choose whether to include or exclude Pre- or Post-Production from the Time Sum Line and value stream totals.

New Hide/Show Rows button

Rather than just TRUE or FALSE, you can now use unlimited user-defined codes to instantly hide or show rows for different types of analysis, or different target audiences.

Paths and Scenarios

New features to allow you to depict more than one scenario on a single value stream map.

(for example, to analyze different specific offerings within a product family, or to analyze different possible volumes of customer demand)


Learn More

Learn More

about the new Value Stream Mapping template

that enables your team to
go far beyond sticky notes



Major Upgrade for
Value Stream Mapping Training & Videos

All training pages and videos for value stream mapping have received a major upgrade.


Video: Value Stream Mapping
Introduction to Training


Watch this new video

for a brief introduction to the new training

Download latest trials

The Simple Value Stream Map
has been discontinued

because it is now so easy to hide the features that you don't need at the moment

And the full-featured Value Stream Map is now available as a free trial

so you can test drive all of these new features for yourself


You can download the latest trials any time.

If your trial period has expired, you can
request a one-time trial period extension.


Download Free Trial


Try all 150+ templates

In addition to the dozen free trial templates,
you can also test drive all 150+ templates.


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March 2015 issue