Systems2win templates and training for continuous improvement

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Prioritize your Values

Whats New?

Use this
Values List template
to plan your life

The beginning of a new year is a good time to re-evaluate what's most important in your life.

What Color is your Parachute

Have you ever done the career and life planning exercise popularized in the book "What Color Is Your Parachute"?"

If so, then you will already be familiar with your Systems2win 'Values List' template.

Simply follow the online instructions
for the Values List template, to:

  1. Write down the things you value most
    (in an unprioritized list)
  2. Do a forced choice comparison
    (if I could only have this and not that, which would I choose?)
  3. Your template automatically generates your prioritized list of the things you value most

Yes, this template comes as free trial.

Download yours now.

Values List template


Use your Values List to get team consensus

How is the Values List used in a business setting?

Every one of the other Decision Making Tools assumes that your team has already reached consensus about what you want.

That's a big assumption, isn't it?

For example, a Decision Matrix assumes that your team has already agreed upon what to put in the 'Objectives' headers, and has already agreed upon the 'Importance' for each objective.

What if your team has not reached consensus for those (all-important) starting points?

That's when you bring out your Values List template.

(Also known as a Values Ranking List, or a Forced Choice Comparison)

Yes, the Decision Matrix also comes as free trial.

Download yours now.

Decision PICK Matrix


What if we have a LOT of choices?

We have heard from many of our customers that are trying to prioritize their potential projects for continuous improvement,

and some have so many options that the labels on the quadrant matrix get so cluttered that they are unreadable.

That's when you will appreciate the Impact Effort columns on your To Do List template,
which accomplish the same (red/green coded) analysis for Effective/Achievable, but do it in a way that allows you to compare dozens (or hundreds) of options without the space limitation of the quadrant chart.

Yes, the To Do List template also comes as free trial.

Download yours now.

To Do List template


Special Event

Why Re-invent?

Why not request a free consultation to explore how Systems2win templates might take your continuous improvement to a new level.


Why re-invent?

Why re-invent?


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January 2016 issue