Installation and Setup
Installation - Each User. Installation - Multi-user. Language Translations. Personalize Your Templates.Systems2win Training.
Quick Start Initial Training. New User Training. Training Matrix. Systems2win Leadership. Training Classes.Lean Training
Lean Training and Coaching. Lean Principles. Muda 8 Wastes. Goal - Lean Flow. Roadmap - Lean Journey. Value Stream Mapping. Standard Work. Hansei Lean Thinking. Lean Dictionary. Online Lean Training. Lean Leadership.Microsoft Office Training
Excel Training. Excel Drawings (without Visio). Excel Charts. Word Training. PDF Training. Document Storage and Naming.Support
Support.Process improvement tools, training, and systems
Download printable brochure
to share with your co-workers
familiar, consistent, standardized
process improvement templates
to get the most from your
continuous improvement tools
for version control, global languages,
and your own personalized lean tools
Empowering your leaders to continuously improve
for ALL of the following types of challenges that you might encounter on your lean journey
If you haven't yet started your lean journey, then you're probably doing a lot of fire fighting.
Your Systems2win Process Improvement Tools include templates and training for a wide variety of Problem Solving Tools to empower you to professionally handle a wide variety of diverse types of problems.
PDCA, A3, 8D, kata coaching, Kaizen Events, and more problem solving methods,
as well as Root Cause Analysis tools, and Preventive Maintenance tools, and continuous improvement tools for problem prevention.
Is it your job to put out fires?
or to prevent them?
At some point, you might grow weary of fire fighting.
When your team is ready, there are templates and training for every step of your lean journey to lean transformation.
Tip: The place to start is not Hoshin Planning.
The place to start is Value Stream Mapping.
Road map for a typical
Lean Transformation
Not just value stream mapping tools.
Value Stream Analysis, with scenarios, filters, and math that Visio simply can't do... to analyze capacity, optimize changeovers, calculate guaranteed turnaround times, answer 'what if' questions, and remind your team leaders of the right questions to ask every time that you lead another value stream mapping event to continuously improve your (real world) high mix / low volume value streams.
With online training and videos to guide you through every step of the value stream mapping process.
The right tools to
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control
your value stream maps
(not just draw them)
8 Categories of Lean Tools
for time observation, process analysis, heijunka flow, and more process improvement tools to empower every team to continuously improve every process
systematically learning to see and eliminate the 8 deadly types of waste wherever they are found.
There are continuous improvement tools to analyze, stabilize, visualize, and standardize every process in every value stream.
There are Process Analysis tools to analyze and improve diverse types of processes for Lean Manufacturing, Lean Healthcare, and Lean Office and Service processes (that are common to every organization).
The Standard Work tools, however, are arguably the most important tools in your continuous improvement toolkit.
Not just the Standard Work template, but also the Yamazumi Chart, Spaghetti Diagram, Machine Balancing, Standard Work Audit, Standard Cost Estimating, and more.
These are the Standard Work tools that "rachet your gains."
If your (lack of) plan is to just allow people to quickly backslide into old habits, then why even start?
It would be better to simply explain to your investors that "lean methods won't work here", without putting your team members through the pain and embarrassment of an experiment that was destined to fail before you even started.
Lean processes require quality.
You can use the 'Insert Sheet' button to add a chart to any Excel workbook that contains your data. And you can do what you always wanted to do with those other Excel macros that you struggled so much with...
you can link your data so that your chart instantly updates as your data changes!
You have the 7 Basic Tools of Quality, (including Excel Pareto Chart, Run Chart, Trend Chart, Histogram, Scatter Plot...) as well as many more DMAIC tools to Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control the quality of ANY process.
The right DMAIC tools
to Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control
the quality of ANY process
There's only so much that your Quality Department can do. Their job is soooo much easier if your engineers attentively listen to the Voice of the Customer, and design your products and services more thoughtfully in the first place.
Your DFSS tools include an FMEA template that has useful features that you never even thought to ask for (and certainly couldn't program yourself). Each FMEA workbook can have an unlimited number of (perhaps interlinked) worksheets for Control Plans and Process Flow Diagrams.
And your FMEA's can be surrounded by an entire suite of supporting optional continuous improvement tools and systems, like the P-Diagram, Characteristics Matrix, DVP&R, and House of Quality QFD.
Whenever you change person's work environment, you're going to need to re-train them.
Your templates include each of the TWI Training Within Industry tools that were popularized by the United States war mobilization to fight World War II.
And there are a suite of Lean Training tools for diverse training requirements that you might encounter.
The most popular lean training tool, however, is the Work Instructions template. It has special features that will dramatically reduce your time (and mistakes) when writing visual work instructions for a product or service 'family'.
It can auto-generate a separate sheet for every product or service in the family, correctly including or excluding steps, correctly renumbering steps, putting the correct header information at the top of each page, and has revision control that vary by product (or be shared by all products in the family).
If you need to write work instructions for any product or service family, you owe it to yourself to give this tool a test drive.
Why are we paying our people to re-invent tools, training, and systems that can be owned so easily?
Every lean tool and system needs corresponding lean management tools and lean systems.
A3 Management, Visual Management, Leader Standard Work, strategic planning, tools to launch any type of team, 5S tools, Lean Assessment Audits, and many more tools and systems for lean leadership.
When you download your free trial, you get several lean leadership templates that you can use for the rest of your career — free.
Every lean tool needs
a corresponding
Lean Coaching System
If you are still trying to improve your processes the hard way,
then take a look at how inexpensive it would be to
own all 150 of these process improvement tools
and schedule a free conference
to discuss your challenges and priorities
with an experienced lean advisor
Why Systems2win?
Professionally developed and supported.
Consistent, familiar, standardized
Online training and videos, live training, and support to get the most from your
150+ continuous improvement tools & methods
Not just templates — not just training...
also lean systems and optional training and coaching
to help you start, expand, and sustain your lean journey
Empower your leaders
to improve processes
rather than re-inventing
systems, training, and tools for process improvement
Perhaps start with this video
where some of our customers
introduce you to their Systems2win templates
What do you want from your
Click headers below to hide or show collapsible details
then use your Tool Selection Matrix
to choose the process improvement tools
that are most likely to help you with your current priority,
which might be flow charts, Lean Six Sigma tools, decision making tools, or any other priorities at the top of your list for continuous process improvement.
then you know that it is ultimately your responsibility to empower your people with consistent continuous improvement tools, training, and coaching.
And if your organization is international, then you might find it worth your time to request a personal demonstration of the Systems2win features to quickly switch between languages, for both templates and training.
Easily switch between
then you (and your clients) need to make a choice:
Did your consultant leave you with teachable, repeatable systems?
then once you get your process improvement tools installed, be sure to complete the free New User Training
and don't hesitate to use your free support
to get the most from your systems, training, and tools for continuous process improvement
Your Systems2win templates come with free New User Training
to quickly learn features that are common to all 150+ templates
then you might choose to own your own professional tools
that you can take with you through your entire career,
because in the end, your performance evaluation is based on your performance.
And, because you are undoubtedly looking for a new employer, or will be soon...
you're invited to send us your resume
because our (growing) customers are often looking for motivated people who are competent with continuous improvement tools
When you are the author,
are you proud
of what you deliver?
Welcome to Systems2win — where our mission is
to empower leaders to continuously improve
Systems2win is honored
by Insights Success magazine for
10 Most Trusted Consultant Companies of 2018
Systems2win is chosen by Manufacturing Technology Insights
as a Top 10 Solutions Provider
When to use each tool
This website contains training for when to use each tool in a Typical Lean Journey for Lean Transformation
Road map for a typical
Lean Transformation
Process Improvement
Q and A
Ask us a question and see answers to common questions about process improvement.
Training and Coaching
Consider Training and Coaching to support your teams to succeed
Schedule a Conference
Schedule a conference
to discuss your challenges
with an experienced lean advisor